Class PepBeanFactory


@Component("pepFactory") public class PepBeanFactory extends Object
Factory for ReactivePep.

Creates a ReactivePep for an Interface that is annotated with PepServiceDescription. The resulting instance (dynamic proxy) implements the Intefacee.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • createPep

      public <T> T createPep(Class<T> interfaceOfPep)
      Create a ReactivePep that implements the given interfaceOfPep.

      The interface must contain an annotation of type PepServiceDescription.

      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the Interface.
      interfaceOfPep - The Interface to generate a PEP for.
      Dynamic Prox ReactivePep that implements the given interfaceOfPep and is able to enforce a decision at PDP by sending events.