Class AnagramModifierMethod

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AnagramModifierMethod
    extends PrimitiveModifierMethod
    NOTE: This method does not anagram the string as primitive or json . It just jumbles up the letters of the word so string does not make any sense. Implementation is subject to change for later needs. It produces anagram of a given string.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnagramModifierMethod

        public AnagramModifierMethod()
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayName

        public String getDisplayName()
        Display Name
      • doModification

        public Object doModification​(Object currentObject,
                                     de.fraunhofer.iese.mydata.policy.parameter.ParameterList modifierMethodParameterList)
        Description copied from interface: ModifierMethod
        This method to be overridden when modifier wants to handle primitive type like Integer(int), Float(float), Boolean(boolean), Long(long), Short(short), Byte(byte) and Double(double) and String
        currentObject - The primitive value for modification.
        modifierMethodParameterList - List of parameters that should be used for modification
        This default implementation is returning the object without modification.
      • anagram

        public String anagram​(String inputString,
                              int percentage)
        inputString - string to scramble
        percentage - percentage of String to be modified (value between 0 and 100)
        Scrambled string