Interface ISyncService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CloudSynchronizer, FileSynchronizer

    public interface ISyncService
    This interface encapsulates the synchronization of policies, timers and componentInformation. The Service needs to be configured before calling any of the methods declared in this interface. The local PDP will start in failureMode when there is a ISyncService. It is therefore the obligation of any ISyncService implementation to deactivate the failureMode when the initial sync completed successfully.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void pushPep​(de.fraunhofer.iese.mydata.component.information.PepComponentInformation pepComponentInformation)
      Push the registration of a PEP component
      void pushPip​(de.fraunhofer.iese.mydata.component.information.PipComponentInformation pipComponentInformation)
      Push the registration of a PIP component
      void pushPxp​(de.fraunhofer.iese.mydata.component.information.PxpComponentInformation pxpComponentInformation)
      Push the registration of a PXP component
      void start()
      Start synchronization
      void stop()
      Stop synchronization
    • Method Detail

      • pushPep

        void pushPep​(de.fraunhofer.iese.mydata.component.information.PepComponentInformation pepComponentInformation)
              throws SynchronizerException
        Push the registration of a PEP component
        pepComponentInformation - the pepComponentInformation
        SynchronizerException - in case of an error while pushing the information
      • pushPip

        void pushPip​(de.fraunhofer.iese.mydata.component.information.PipComponentInformation pipComponentInformation)
              throws SynchronizerException
        Push the registration of a PIP component
        pipComponentInformation - the pipComponentInformation
        SynchronizerException - in case of an error while pushing the information
      • pushPxp

        void pushPxp​(de.fraunhofer.iese.mydata.component.information.PxpComponentInformation pxpComponentInformation)
              throws SynchronizerException
        Push the registration of a PXP component
        pxpComponentInformation - the pxpComponentInformation
        SynchronizerException - in case of an error while pushing the information