Class PdpComponentInformation

  • @Entity
    public class PdpComponentInformation
    extends MyDataEntity
    • Field Detail

      • componentId

        protected @NotNull @Valid ComponentId componentId
      • urls

        protected List<URI> urls
        A list of URIs that can be used to communicate with the component.
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • addUrl

        public void addUrl​(@NonNull
                           @NonNull URI url)
        Adds a URL to the list of URIs that can be used to communicate with the component.
        url - the url to add
      • getUrlsForProtocol

        public List<URI> getUrlsForProtocol​(String... protocols)
        Provides a list of URLs of a certain protocol/scheme.
        protocols - the list of protocols to be used linked by an "or" function
        a list of URIs that can be used to communicate with the component
      • setUrls

        public void setUrls​(@NonNull
                            @NonNull List<URI> urls)
        urls - : the list of urls to be set for this PXP. It can not be null.